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 Relax, Reconnect & Re-energise

Visit Sanctuary In The Pocket to experience unforgettable retreats & events


Goddess Retreat

19 Oct 2023

CONNECT, FEEL & HEAL - 3 Days of Deep Connection to Self, Nature & Other Soul Women.

Sharna & Teagan

This retreat will focus on resetting your nervous system, tap into your truth to reveal any blockages that may be holding you back. You will access your divine feminine power and further your journey inwards, unlocking your highest potential.

Using your intuition daily to slow down, regather, relax and rebuild... You will leave this retreat harmonized & aligned, with a clear direction on where you want your life to go and what is no longer serving you.


For centuries women have come together to heal, support, celebrate...

It is time we get back to that!

You will be held and guided so you can


Womb Healing

Sacred Cacao Ceremony

Sun & Moon circles

Ecstatic Dance

Conscious connection workshops

Daily Oracle

Activation of Intuition

Chakra alignments

Sound healing

Cold Plunges

Somatic release practices

Intuitive art

Sacred feminine power workshops


Organic gourmet meals

Mindful Meditation & so much more 

Women holding hands connecting togeter on stunning golden sand beach byron
Access your divine feminine power and further your journey inwards, unlocking your highest potential. Byron Bay Beaches

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